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Notice Notice of Intent to Declare Forfeiture

NOTICE Notice of Intent to Declare Forfeiture to: WILLIAM JONES LEASEHOLD PARTNERSHIP c/o Kimmco Energy Corp., or its successors and assigns. Please be advised that Stephen L. Spears and Cheryl A. Spears (Lessor), are the current lessors under a certain Oil and Gas Lease by and between Stephen L. Spears and Cheryl A. Spears, as lessors, and Ohio Oil & Gas as lessee, dated February 4, 1981, and recorded on March 26, 1981 in Volume 26, Page 605 of the Lease Records in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Ohio. The lease was assigned by an Assigment of Oil and Gas Lease to William Jones Leasehold Partnership c/o Kimmco Energy Corp. as lessee, dated September 19, 1981, and recorded on October 6, 1981 in Volume 26, Page 896 of the Lease Records in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Ohio. The current fee simple owner of the property is Jeffrey K. Vallery aka Jeffery K. Vallery. Lessor's records indicate that William Jones Leasehold Partnership c/o Kimmco Energy Corp. (Lessee), is the current lessee under the Oil and Gas Lease. Lessee, or its successors and assigns, is hereby given notice that an Affidavit of Forfeiture regarding said Oil and Gas Lease will be filed, pursuant to O.R.C. 5301.332, after thirty days (30) from publication of this notice, unless Lessee, or its successors and assigns, takes prompt action to release or preserve its interest in accordance with Ohio law. The Oil and Gas Lease covers certain real property containing 49.423 acres of land and described as follows: Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Clark, Township of Madison and being part of the southwest quarter of Section 30, Town 6, Range 8, B.M.R.S., and being described as follows: Beginning at a stone (found) on the east line of Dolly Varden Road at the southwest corner of the 71.25 acre tract described in deed to Harold M. Mills, recorded deed volume 751, page 23, Clark County Records, said stone being on the west line of Section 30 at the northwest corner of the plat of Dolly Varden, Recorded Volume 3, page 25 of the Clark County plat records, and being 25.21 poles (416 feet) northerly from the southwest corner of Section 30; Thence with the west line of said Section 30, N 2° 49' 35" E, 570.91 feet to a 5/8" re-bar with metal cap (set); Thence, S. 86° 54' 40" E, 1073.37 feet to a 5/8" re-bar with metal cap (set); Thence, N 3° 40' 50" E, 81.19 feet to a 5/8" re-bar with metal cap (set); Thence S 87° 04' 30" E, 641.82 feet to a 5/8" re-bar with metal cap (set); Thence, N 3° 06' 15" E, 498.31 feet to a 5/8" re-bar with metal cap (set) on the north line of said 71.25 acre tract; thence with said line, S 87° 02' 40" E 965.78 feet to a 5/8" rebar with metal cap (set) on the east line of the southwest quarter of Section 30 at the northeast corner of said 71.25 acre tract; thence with the east line of said quarter section, S 2° 43' 15" W. 1171.50 feet to a stone (found) at the northeast corner of lot #22 of said plat of Dolly Varden; Thence with the north line of said lot, N 86° 50' 25" W, 412.56 feet to a "PK" nail on the southeast side of a steel corner post and on the east line of Grave Street (30' R/W); Thence with the east line of said street, N 2° 43' 15" E, 20.00 feet to a stone (found) on the north line of Lundy's Lane (20' R/W); thence with the north line of said Lane, N 87° 00' 00" W. 2274.16 feet to the point of beginning and containing 49.423 acres. Being part of the 71.25 acre tract described in deed to Harold M. Mills, recorded deed volume 751, page 23, Clark County Records. Basis of bearings is S 87° E on south boundary from deed description (751/23) The above description is based on an actual field survey dated May 25, 1979 by Terry A. Hoppes, registered surveyor No. 6352. PPN 160-13-00030-300-021 The Oil and Gas Lease will be declared forfeited and void because the Lessee, its heirs, successors and assigns have abandoned and forfeited the Oil and Gas Lease due to the lack of production and the expiration of the term. There are no producing or drilling oil or gas wells on the leased premises. For the foregoing reasons, Lessor intends to file for record an Affidavit of Forfeiture with the County Recorder if the Oil and Gas Lease is not released of record within thirty (30) days from publication of this notice. 4-30/2019
April 29, 2019
May 29, 2019
May 29, 2019 8:11pm