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Notice is Hereby Given That the Trotwood Board

Notice is hereby given that the Trotwood Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing at 5:30 pm on Thursday, March 26, 2020, to review the following cases: BZA Case#20-02: Appeal the Zoning Administrator's interpretation of a private club to be a legal non-conforming use at 4171 Salem Ave, Appellant, Edward Stallwarth. BZA Case #20-03: Variance to Trotwood Sign Code Section 1185.0 (b) Ground Sign, 1185.IO(e) Wall Sign, 1185.05(£) Electronic Copy Sign at 5380 Salem Ave, in a R-B (Regional Business) District, Gordon Food Service, applicant/owner BZA Case #20-04: Variance to Trotwood Zoning Code Section 1189.01(f) minimum setback for an accessory structure to the property line at 2 Burchwood St, in a RSF-M (Residential Single Family-Medium Family) District, Patricia Cooper, Owner/Applicant. BZA Case #20-05: Conditional Use Application to increase the number of children to be cared for at 442 Glenview Road, a RSF-M (Residential Single Family-Medium Density) District, from the previously approved 10 to al 2, Nancy Miller, Applicant. For more information, contact Jung-Han Chen, (937) 854-7216, or 3-17/2020
March 17, 2020
March 26, 2020
March 26, 2020 8:10pm