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Notice of Public Hearing Notice is Hereby Given

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Clark County Rural Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing onThursday, February 15, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., in Conference Room 151, Springview Government Center, 3130 E. Main Street, Springfield, Ohio to hear the following: Case #ZA-2024-01, a zoning text amendment initiated by Board of Clark County Commissioners to amend Section 808.09 "Solar Equipment", amend Section 746 "Ground Mounted Solar Energy Systems and All Other Small Solar Facilities (Principal Use)", amend Chapter 10 "Definitions", amend Section 214 "I-1 Light Industrial District", amend Section 215 "I-2 Heavy Industrial District", and renumber other affected sections as needed. After the conclusion of this hearing, this matter will be submitted to the Board of Clark County Commissioners for their action. The zoning regulations pertaining thereto may be examined at Clark County Community & Economic Development, 3130 E Main Street, Suite 1A, Springfield, OH, 45505 during regular business hours. By order of the Clark County Rural Zoning Commission. J. Alex Dietz Deputy Director/ Zoning Inspector 2-1/2024
February 1, 2024
February 15, 2024
February 15, 2024 8:10pm