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In the Court of Common Pleas Butler County

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO MYCUMORTGAGE, LLC Plaintiff, v. RONDA L. MURPHY AKA RONDA L. AMIS AKA RONDA AMIS, ET AL Defendant(s). CASE NO. CV 2024 04 0785 JUDGE: DANIEL HAUGHEY LEGAL NOTICE John Doe, name unknown, spouse of Ronda L. Murphy aka Ronda L. Amis aka Ronda Amis, will take notice that the Plaintiff, myCUmortgage, LLC, filed its Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas, Butler County, Ohio, with the above reference case number. The object of and demand for relief in the Complaint is to foreclose upon the Plaintiff's Mortgage recorded upon the real estate described below and in which the Plaintiff alleges that the foregoing Defendant has or claims to have an interest: Lot Number Eighteen (18) as the same is known and designated on the recorded plat of Skyview Acres, a subdivision of lots and lands located in Section 20, Town 2, and Range 4, Madison Township, Butler County, Ohio. Save and except a part of lot 18 as said lot is known and designated on the recorded plat of Skyview Acres, Plat Book 13, Page 123, Butler County Plat Records; said part lot being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly Line of Lot 18, the same being an Easterly line of Lot 35 in Skyview Acres First Addition (P.E. 14, Page 2); said point of beginning being North 0 deg. 03' 00" West 82.00 feet from the Southwesterly Corner of Lot 18; thence from said point of beginning and containing along said Westerly lot line North 0 deg. 03' 00" West 61 feet; thence in Lot 18 by new division lines the following courses: (1) North 89 deg. 57' 00" East 8.00 feet; (2) South 0 deg. 03' 00" East 61.00 feet; (3) and thence South 89 deg. 57' 00" West 8.00 feet to the point of beginning containing 488 square feet more or less according to a plat (drawing C-10074) by Duane and Associates, Inc., Ohio Professional Surveyors, Middletown, Ohio, February, 1993. Said plat being subject to all easements and restrictions of records that are applicable to said lot. Property address: 5021 Mosiman Road, Middletown, OH 45042 PPN: E2220117000012 The Defendant named above are required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) day after the last publication of the legal notice. This legal notice will be published once a week for three successive weeks. /s/ Robert H. Young Robert H. Young (SCR# 0036743) Mark N. Dierks (SCR# 0040668) Benjamin M. Rodriguez (SCR# 0079289) Lori R. Leach (SCR# 0069629) BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 6725 Miami Avenue, Suite 202 Cincinnati, OH 45243 Phone: (954) 618-6955 Fax: (513) 492-2016 5-10,5-17,5-24/2024
May 10, 2024
June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024 8:10pm