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In the Court of Common Pleas Butler County

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO TRUIST BANK, FORMERLY KNOWN AS BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY Plaintiff, v. KELVIN C. KING II, ET AL Defendant(s). CASE NO. CV 2024 05 0931 JUDGE: JENNIFER MUENCH-MCELFRESH LEGAL NOTICE Kelvin C. King, II and Jane Doe, name unknown, spouse of Kelvin C. King, II, will take notice that the Plaintiff, Truist Bank, formerly known as Branch Banking and Trust Company, filed its Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas, Butler County, Ohio, with the above reference case number. The object of and demand for relief in the Complaint is to foreclose upon the Plaintiff's Mortgage recorded upon the real estate described below and in which the Plaintiff alleges that the foregoing Defendants have or claim to have an interest: Situated in Section 29, Town 4, Range 2, Hanover Township, Butler County, Ohio, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said section and in the center of Stahlheber Road, thence along the north line of said section and with the center of said road, South 89º° 52' 55" East, 1722.03 feet to an old railroad spike; thence leaving the north line of said section and the center of said road, South 9º° 39' 00" East, 228.30 feet to an iron pin and the True Point of Beginning of the property herein conveyed, thence South 89º° 52' 55" East, 463.29 feet to the center of Oxford-Millville Road (U S Route 27), passing a set iron pin at 433.14 feet; thence with the center of said road, South 10º° 33' 07" East, 447.72 feet, thence leaving the center of said road, South 85º° 18' 50" West, 465.37 feet to a set iron pin, passing a set iron pin at 30.00 feet, thence North 9º° 39' 00" West, 486.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.926 acres of land, more or less, and being subject to the legal right of way of Oxford-Millville Road and to any other easements or restrictions of record. This description was prepared from a survey made by Donald P. Rehm, Professional Surveyor #6284 in Ohio, and is recorded in the Butler County Engineer's Record of Land Surveys, Volume 24, Page 59. Prior Instrument Reference Volume 1736, Page 297, of the Deed Records of Butler County, Ohio. Save and Except the land described in Official Record 6064, Pages 1615-1617 containing 0.310 acres, more or less, leaving a remaining acreage of 4.4620 acres, more or less and more particularly described as follows: Situated in the Township of Hanover, County of Butler and State of Ohio, and known as being a part of Section 29, Town 4, Range 2, and more fully bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 29; Thence with the north line of section 29, south 89 deg 58' 59" East, 2182.93 feet to a point at the intersection of Stahlheber Road and U.S. Route 27, said point being at P.I. Station 132 plus 49.94 U.S. Route 27 centerline; Thence with said centerline South 10 deg 45' 00' East, 677.14 feet to a point at Station 125 plus 72.80, said point being the Owner's southeast corner, said point also being the True Point of Beginning for the described parcel of land; Thence with Owner's south line South 85 deg 12' 00" West, 43.78 feet to a point 43.55 feet left of Station 125 plus 77.34; Thence with new Right-of-Way line North 11 deg 53' 45" West, 72.67 feet to a point; Thence North 10 deg 45' 00" West, 379.47 feet to a point 45 feet left of Station 130 plus 29.47, said point being in the Owner's north line; Thence north 89 deg. 56' 58" East, 45.80 feet to a point at centerline Station 130 plus 20.96, said point being the Owner's northeast corner; Thence with the Owner's east line South 10 deg 45' 00" East, 448.16 feet (deed 447.72 feet) to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.464 acres, inclusive of the present road which occupies 0.301 acres, more or less. Subject to all legal highways, easements, conditions and restrictions of record. Property address: 1151 Millville Oxford Road, Hamilton, OH 45013 PPN: B1010029000013 The Defendants named above are required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) day after the last publication of the legal notice. This legal notice will be published once a week for three successive weeks. /s/ Robert H. Young Robert H. Young (SCR# 0036743) BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 6725 Miami Avenue, Suite 202 Cincinnati, OH 45243 Phone: (954) 618-6955 Fax: (513) 492-2016 6-3,6-10,6-17-2024
June 3, 2024
July 15, 2024
July 15, 2024 8:10pm