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Legal Notice for Publication Pursuant to R.C. 163.07

LEGAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PURSUANT TO R.C. 163.07 Defendant William L. McKibbin, and Unknown Heirs/Spouse, Address Unknown, will take notice that on February 29, 2024 the City of Dayton, Ohio filed a Complaint being captioned "The City of Dayton, Ohio v. William L. McKibbin, et al.," Case No. 2024 CV 01280 in the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, Ohio. The action seeks to appropriate certain property for the public purpose of the North Main Street Safety Improvements Project, performing the work necessary to improve North Main Street from Great Miami Boulevard to Shoup Mill Road, which is open to the public without charge. The property sought to be appropriated is more specifically described as a Temporary Construction easement and a fee simple interest in 21-T concerning Montgomery County Auditor's Parcel No. R72067090019 and 0020. Pursuant to Civil Rule 12(A)(1), Defendant shall take further notice that they have 28 days after completion of the Service by Publication within which to answer or otherwise defend against Plaintiff's petition. The original of any such answer or other pleading defending against Plaintiff's petition must be filed with Mike Foley the Clerk of the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, and whose mailing address is 41 N. Perry St., Dayton, Ohio 45422. A copy of the answer or other defensive pleading must be served upon Plaintiff's attorney, Leonard J. Bazelak, Senior Attorney, 101 W. Third St., P.O. Box 22, Dayton, OH 45401. A failure to answer or otherwise defend within 28 days of completion of Service by Publication will result in Plaintiff, pursuant to Civil Rule 55, asking the court to grant a default judgment against any person who fails to answer or otherwise defend. This publication will run twice a week for two consecutive weeks pursuant to R.C. 163.07 The City of Dayton, Ohio Leonard J. Bazelak #0064023 Senior Attorney 6-10,6-17,6-24,7-1,7-8,7-15/2024
June 10, 2024
August 12, 2024
July 26, 2024 8:10pm